abstract verbの例文


  1. This provides evidence that children use syntax to some extent in learning the meaning behind these sorts of abstract verbs.
  2. This study found that processing of abstract verbs ( idioms in this case ) did indeed activate motor regions of the brain, activating anterior fronto-temporal activity very early compared to literal verbs.
  3. Although these examples offer alternate strategies for achieving the same abstraction, they do not fundamentally alter the need to support abstract nouns in code-all programming relies on an ability to abstract verbs as functions, nouns as data structures, and either as processes.
  4. (In this example various assumptions about the grammar have been made, such as a simple left-to-right derivation rather than head-driven, its use of noun-phrases rather than the currently fashionable determiner-phrases, and no type-check preventing a concrete noun being combined with an abstract verb phrase.


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  6. "abstract verbs"の例文
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  10. "abstract windowing toolkit"の例文
  11. "abstract vector"の例文
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  13. "abstract verbs"の例文
  14. "abstract view"の例文

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